Hypnotizing the Devil, Healing the Enemy
Where were you on September 11, 2001? Almost everyone can recall where they were. Few can say they were in the land which many feel was responsible for this tragic day. Few could say they were in Baghdad. And few could say what Iraqi’s were feeling on this day that would forever change the course of World history.” Before the Iraq war it would seem impossible for an American to go to Baghdad. However in April of 2001 Larry Garrett, world known hypnotist was invited by the previous Iraqi Government to come to Baghdad to hypnotize a business man who had difficulty walking. His medical staff said there was nothing wrong with his leg and their patient felt he needed to be hypnotized to walk easier. After Larry arrived he found out who this important business man was and why he had difficulty walking. It was Uday Hussein. “Larry Garrett was so successful THAT he was invited a second time.
This time he arrived in Baghdad on September 9th, 2001.” Imagine traveling to Baghdad, Iraq on September 9, 2001 and not realizing what is about to happen? “You are in a land that few Westerners could travel to.” Imagine that in the very moment the Twin Towers are falling to the ground you are sitting with one of the most feared people in the world watching this devastation on Iraqi TV. You are helpless and trapped in a land unsafe at any time. You are unable to call your loved ones at home and unable to speak of what you are really feeling to anyone. You are in a land of 18 million people and not one familiar face. Imagine being the only American in Iraq on September 11, 2001 and you can t go home! This riveting story will captivate you and keep you turning each page to find out what will be next. Over 50 photos will visually take you to a Baghdad which no longer exists.
Radio Interviews
WGN Radio Interview Part 1 of 2
WGN Radio Interview Part 2 of 2
Dennis Miller Radio Interview
The Deep End, Series 10, Short Cuts – BBC Radio 4
Editorial Reviews
Larry Garrett is a world-class consulting hypnotist, and in Healing the Enemy, he takes the reader along on a fascinating true adventure to Baghdad when Iraq was on the Most Dangerous Places in the World list. Can you imagine traveling halfway across the globe to find that your previously unnamed hypnosis client is Uday Hussein reputedly one of the most violent and dangerous men alive? Previously I could not have imagined even being in Iraq, but with every page I read I felt as if I was present as the hypnosis odyssey unfolded. When 9/11 occurred Larry Garrett was in Baghdad . . . now through his words and thoughts you can be there too. Once I started reading I didn’t want to put the book down. –Dr. Dwight F. Damon, President National Guild of Hypnotists, Inc.
I hardly know what to say about your writings, there is so much inside me when I am reading…I can hardly wait to pick it up , just before I retire…. I am not sure if its the energy that is so close to yours , for I feel all the presence of what you are writing and experiencing, as if I were there….scary sometimes, I can feel my heart beating…..and I am not usually one of fear…….. –Sandy Congemi
This is a sad day for me…. I finished reading Healing the Enemy. If your wondering why it is sad, don’t worry, I’ll tell you. Of the books I have read in the past, some are so boring you can’t wait until your done, some are so good, you read them with enjoyment, but then there are some books, and not enough of them, that you keep wishing that you won’t get to the end and that the story will just continue. Well your book is the latter. As you correctly said on the back cover, “This riveting story will captivate you and keep you turning each page to find out what will happen next.” I even read the page to Jennie about “living in the moment” which is very appropriate for her and myself. She said she is going to read it during summer vacation. I don’t know how I would have felt or answered you if you had asked my opinion of you going to Iraq. In some respects, I am glad that we were not in contact during the period you were deciding and the time you were there. Had I know your were there, it would have definitely laid heavy on my mind with worry. Want any suggestions where you can go next, so you can write another book? –Ron Kovel